Treatment of osteonecrosis (pulpitis, disc herniation) today is not particularly difficult, it is only important to correctly determine the cause of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases. However, each specialist who treats back or spine conditions in general has his own practice, crystallization process, which quickly helps to provide optimal techniques for most patients.

To treat osteonecrosis, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the pathology and the presence of concomitant diseases.
It is not correct to use only one method to treat bone tumors, as a rule, specialists at polyclinics are "guilty" with this, prescribing pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs for patients toEliminate unpleasant symptoms and push back the problem of the spine deep inside without affecting the cause. As a result, a person, without experiencing pain, continues to load the damaged vertebrae, the pathology worsens, and after a while, with the next strong attack, a series of problems "emerge" that cannot be eliminated.
The root of the problem and some criticism
Before starting treatment, it is helpful to remember well what osteonecrosis is. Collectively, these are degenerative changes affecting the tissues of the spine! However, all back-related problems should not be called "osteonecrosis", nor should the two concepts be confused: osteosarcoma and sciatica. In the first case, this is a disease, in the second - a process occurring in the patient's body with osteonecrosis. Furthermore, back pain is only a symptom, not a disease.
Osteonecrosis treatments have remained the standard for decades, but with the availability of modern methods of examining patients according to the "old" technique, there are more and more "cracks and fissures"" be revealed. Most methods are aimed at eliminating clinical signs, and do not affect the cause of the pathology.
The use of drugs
Sadly, this is a method intended to ensure that the patient "quickly passes away healthy. " In addition, the sufferer himself finds a specialist and begins treatment of the disease even when the pathological process has progressed. was breaking out strong and primary, and the pain tore through everything around it, preventing it from moving normally. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate all negative symptoms, make the cure illusory, and the cause of the disease remains intact. In clinics, the process is put on a conveyor belt, and the result of such treatment:
- The cause, which becomes the starting point of osteonecrosis, has not yet been eliminated.
- The factor of trauma to the vertebrae is increasing, as the person, feeling no pain, begins to bear the entire back load.
- NSAIDs disrupt the functioning of the pancreas and stomach.

Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs do not cure the disease but only relieve the pain.
Manual therapy
This method is often advocated by old school doctors, who believe that if you put the damaged vertebra in the right position, the problem will go away. The adage "all diseases come from the spine" is not quite true, because the spine adapts to the circumstances, not in vain, but it is so flexible. Although, proper nutrition for the discs and vertebrae is only possible when they are upright. However, the placed vertebrae, if the patient continues to crouch or have strong inflammation of the discs, over time will "slide" back, returning all signs. Also, don't confuse manual therapy with chiropractic.
Massage, the classic of the genre
This method involves working on the patient's muscles and connective tissues, which can relieve the symptoms of the disease and bring the patient into remission within a few months. The effectiveness of osteonecrosis treatment is directly dependent on the skill level of the person performing the massage. But in 95% of cases, it is not possible to manually remove the cause of bone necrosis as well as cure the disease if the specialist only affects the painful and inflamed areas.
This osteonecrosis treatment is delicate and gentle, but a good chiropractor must have sharp hands, an inquiring mind, and a calm mind. He, personally taking care of the patient, can feel all the processes going on in the body. Not all doctors are super sensitive, so good chiropractors are worth a thousand gold. Ideally, chiropractors should treat all the problems the patient has, but in reality they only eliminate the pain. The patients themselves also have a part to this, they only ask for pain relief because a session with an osteopathic doctor costs about three times more than massage therapy. By saving money, they eliminate the symptoms, but deprive them of the chance of a complete cure. Due to its soft nature, osteopathy is indicated even for children.

Chiropractic is a gentle and gentle method that is suitable even for children.
Chinese medicine
The pitfall here lies in the fact that without the patient's prior diagnosis, all operations are, as a rule, based on the physician's guess, which is not always accurate. Before performing a high-quality acupuncture procedure, you need to do:
- Diagnosis by electroacupuncture.
- Pulse diagnosis.
- Diagnosis by Akabane method.
The patient has back pain, many needles are inserted into it, the pain will be relieved, the symptoms will be gone, but will return after a few hours. Acupuncture repeatedly, relief - and the circle is closed. Good therapists do not need needles, relying only on the patient's external examination and his or her own story. He works with only 1-4 needles at a deep level, trying to eliminate the root cause of the osteonecrosis, not just the symptoms.
Organ therapy
Treatment of osteonecrosis here is the impact on internal organs. This is due to the fact that often the cause of pathological conditions of the spine is either an incorrect arrangement of the organs or a violation in their work. With this treatment, back pain in the long run will go away.
Fitness, yoga, qigong
Oriental medicine techniques to treat osteonecrosis are becoming more and more popular. Classical yoga is a well-thought-out, well-coordinated approach to working with the body and influencing the mind. This method is suitable for families, where, in a quiet environment, a person can feel all the needs of the body. However, many experts recommend relying on older treatments for osteonecrosis. And of course, it is important to find a professional, you should not contact people who have learned a few tricks and then "open the office themselves".
Today, these techniques are the most advanced, in many ways they help people get rid of the troubles associated with osteonecrosis. But remember about the psychological aspect: the disease will not be cured if a person stubbornly ignores the cause of the development of osteonecrosis, does not want to change his lifestyle and thinking. You shouldn't just blame health problems without helping your doctor treat them.

Fitness, yoga, qigong - aimed at moving the body and helping to get rid of spine problems.
The main stages of therapy
How to treat osteonecrosis? There are many options for therapy: reflexology, magnetic stimulation, water procedures, physical therapy methods. The specialist must decide which option is right for the patient, based on the results of the history and examination. It is possible to treat at home, for example, physiotherapy exercises, it is able to perfectly restore the mobility of the spine, eliminate symptoms and prevent the rapid development of the disease.
Important! If the treatment takes place at home, then you need to be especially careful with any drugs, they are prescribed by a doctor individually. This is explained by the fact that with the drug treatment of osteonecrosis there is a load on other organs and such treatment can cause unpleasant complications or exacerbations of diseases. chronic.
We take medicine
The basis of drug therapy is oral administration of vasodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs. Such therapy relieves symptoms perfectly and is designed to solve the following problems:
- Stops inflammatory processes.
- Reduce pain and muscle spasms.
- Stimulates cartilage regeneration.
It is safer to use topical products (creams, ointments, or gels) when treating them at home. Such treatment takes place without side effects, just in coordination with the doctor and strict adherence to the instructions.
Folk remedies
Usually, "grandma's formula" is more effective in treating osteonecrosis than all modern and new methods. Traditional home treatment includes: heating the painful area with river sand or salt, using egg ointment, vinegar or herbal compress.
- Massage the bottle. Fill "one and a half" with warm water and roll all the muscles in your back for 15 minutes, stopping especially at the problem area.
- Massage the tennis ball. At home, you can use a tennis ball to massage your back, for this way you just lie on it and "cycle". Repeat daily.

Drug therapy in complex analgesic, antispasmodic.
Physical therapy
The most popular today is the author's therapeutic technique, which can be used at home. This treatment is based on not allowing the cells of the spinal cord to die and the muscle tissue to atrophy. Gymnastics includes a series of exercises that move all joints and muscles of the human body, restore lost motor functions and relieve uncomfortable symptoms.
Non-drug treatment options
Therapeutic treatment, perhaps, can be called the most complete in the treatment of a disease, it is based on the effect on the cause of the disease. During your stay in a nursing home, you may receive the following procedures:
- Acupuncture.
- Healing shower.
- Ultrasound and electrotherapy.
- Diet therapy and massage.
- Balance therapy and mud therapy.
- Apitherapy and salt cave.
Of course, this treatment option is not available at home. For each patient with osteonecrosis, the nursing home physicians will develop an individual treatment plan that will allow not only the restoration of motor function, but also help to forget the exacerbations for a while. long.
Impact point
Treatment with electrophoresis is indicated at any stage of osteonecrosis, except acute. Point current exposure has its advantages: the effect of a drug administered by electrophoresis extends strictly to the inflammatory area. This allows you to quickly improve the patient's condition, reduce swelling and pain.
Physical therapy
It is in line with other treatment options for osteonecrosis that, when performed correctly by a knowledgeable professional, is highly effective and has the fewest side effects:
- Massage. Improve blood circulation and lymph flow, relieve pain and swelling, strengthen muscles. Shown in courses of 10-15 procedures, 2-3 times a year.
- Manual therapy.
- Spinal traction.
- Acupressure.
How to treat osteonecrosis to avoid complications? First, you need to find out why the pathology develops, the extent of damage to the vertebrae. You will have to undergo a full examination and only then start treatment. In addition, the right daily routine, healthy lifestyle is very important, you need to give up heavy physical activities, try not to catch a cold and keep the correct posture. If possible, eliminate any stress at home and at work, because when negative emotions occur, uncontrolled muscle spasms occur, which exacerbates the problem.
Bone tumor is a long-standing disease today, based on many causes, so in the treatment process, it is impossible to stop at one method. Depends a lot on the patient himself, you should not wait for a "magic pill" to stop the problem immediately, breaking up with osteonecrosis you will have to put all your will into a fist, have to perseverewith the desire to become healthy forever. . This is the only way to restore spinal flexibility and mobility for many years.